


2.英语作文 关于海南


4.My visit to Hainan island 一篇英语作文,初二水平,关于旅游的景点介绍,和旅游中发生的小事。我急用,请...

5.英语作文:假设你是李华,你的笔友对你的家乡三亚很感兴趣,请回信: 地理位置 海景 著名景点



       My name is LiPing , living in Sanya of Hainan province. My hometown is a beautiful city,there are many people to travel every year.

       The weather here is hot all the year round.Seasons here are not quite different.But it has a very hot and rainy summer, winter is nice for visiting

       If you choose Sanya to be your travel destination,you will have a good time here.There are many beautiful and famous places of interest in Sanya, such as TianYaHaiJiao, LuHuiTou and so on.

英语作文 关于海南

       已解决问题 收藏 转载到QQ空间 谁有英语作文是介绍海南海口的 [ 标签:海南 海口,作文,海口 ] SOSO用户 回答:1 人气:12 解决时间:2008-06-29 11:18 满意答案 Haikou, known also as the 'Coconut City', is the capital of Hainan Province, China's second largest island. The city is the provincial administrative center of Hainan as well being the focus of the local economy, culture and transportation. Haikou stands at the northern end of Hainan Island, on the west bank of the Nandu River estuary. This river is the longest on the island and the city's name appropriately means 'Mouth of the Sea'.

       With the sea on three sides Haikou enjoys a long coastline that features excellent bathing beaches and sea side resorts. Holiday Beach is the most popular of these, while Xixiu Beach is where the National sailing and windsurfing teams train and hold competitions.

       The downtown area of the city has an excellent environment with streets lined with coconut palms. Here there are modern and convenient public transport facilities and all that is best in a tropical seaside city that is pollution free and that meets the needs of the tourist in a friendly and welcoming way.

       Besides its natural resources, Haikou has a number of important sites of historical interest. The Wugong Temple (The Five Official's Temple), the Tomb of Hai Rui and the Xiuying Emplacement each serve as reminders of the historical importance of Haikou.


       Hainan Island is world-famous for its unique and charming tropical views, relaxed and happy natural environment, particularly magnificent marine resources and simple and kindhearted people

        Hainan is a province of the People's Republic of China, located at the southernmost end of the country. It consists several islands, the largest of which is also called Hainan (Hainan Dao). And when speaking of "Hainan" in Chinese, it is usually Hainan Island that is referred to. To emphasize the referent as a province, one says Hainan Sheng ("Hainan Province").


       Hainan Island was called the Pearl Cliffs (珠崖), the Jade Cliffs (琼崖 qiong2 yai2), and the Qiong Prefecture (琼州 Qiongzhou), the latter two gave rise to the province's abbreviation, Qiong (琼 in Simplified Chinese).

       In Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms Period, Hainan was the Zhuyai Prefecture (珠崖郡) Hainan was one of the last areas of China controlled by the Chiang Kai-Shek's KMT. From March to May 1950, the Landing Operation on Hainan Island (海南岛登陆战役) captured the island for the Chinese communists.

       During the early 1990s, there was a major corruption scandal in Hainan.

My visit to Hainan island 一篇英语作文,初二水平,关于旅游的景点介绍,和旅游中发生的小事。我急用,请...

       Hainan Island is situated in the south of China, well-known for its “the end of the sky and the rim of the sea (Tianyahaijiao)”. Hainan Island is the famous scenic spot in China for its golden beaches, blue sea and the tropical climate(热带气候). The province is divided into Hainan, Nansha, Xisha, Zhongsha islands, etc.

       Haikou is the capital city. The second biggest city, Sanya, hosted the 2003 Miss World Competition and earned the fame as “Hawaii of China”. Sanya had been a poor little fishing village until 1954, when the government made it the Hainan Special Economic Zone. Now there are many fine hotels and golf courses(高尔夫球场). Many new hotels are being built to receive more and more guests from all around the world. Tourism now accounts for(占到) 80% of the island’s revenue(收入). 海南岛是坐落在中国的南部,闻名中外的“最后的天空和大海的边(天涯海角)。海南岛是著名的旅游景点,它的金色的海滩,蓝色的海水和热带气候。全省分为海南、南沙群岛,广东等。

       海口是首都。第二大城市,三亚举办的2003年世界**大赛,获得了“夏威夷”。三亚一直是一个可怜的小渔村直到1954年,当政府做了海南经济特区。现在有许多优良的酒店和高尔夫球场。许多新酒店正在建设中得到越来越多来自世界各地的客人。现在占80%的旅游业的岛屿的收入。 这就是上文的翻译

英语作文:假设你是李华,你的笔友对你的家乡三亚很感兴趣,请回信: 地理位置 海景 著名景点

       My trip to Singapore

       In August 1st, has been to Singapore for second days, on this day, we wake up at five thirty is tour guide, because on this day, we will go to visit Singapore's most famous, the oldest school - Saint Nicholas girls', was originally thought to attend their flag-raising ceremony, but because we the he got up late, in addition to eat breakfast, so to be delayed, when we arrived, the school began to pray, could not attend their flag raising ceremony, we are very sorry, but, we will have to come to! Therefore, we also look cheerful!! From: the composition teacher help us well after the class, we'll start and little sisters to talk with my friend, named" Huang Kerui", she is much shorter than I, but one's spirits are flourishing., high 's nose on a pair of yellow glasses, she led me to them., very warm hospitality to me, told me that Singapore local customs and practices, material trade. Yes, but as Chinese speaks is also very good, in their courses, teachers are using Chinese and they talk, their Chinese language textbooks in China is the second grade children's textbooks, their learning content is mostly about the economic infrastructure, history education theme, but unlike us Chinese children just learning "the teacher taught books, student books, returning home after the students two pairs of eyes staring at a book". Moreover, in some regions of China, the idea is not to liberate think that women are inferior to men!! Singapore is about the equality of the sexes. Nine thirty after class, they took us to the restaurant, where the cuisine is very rich, what do you want to buy, and the price is also very humane. After ten thirty, back to the classroom to class, to 10points, they standing up, right hand placed on the chest, read silently pray prayer,5 minutes long, after they read a book, freedom, twelve thirty, is a real dinner time. Visited a school for girls, after a Chinese meal, we drove to the Singapore Science and Technology Museum, enter, all shocked, this is not a science and Technology Museum, is more like a magical and blurred palace, the furnishings inside let us see things in a blur, which impressed me most is the middle of the door" spray electric" pool, is the use of artificial power, but in the dark environment, power is varied, with" Z" shape, with" S" shape, with straight, with the arc. There are other model car, flash lights, changing the haunted house, in short, in the science and Technology Museum in 2.5 hours, I learned a lot of knowledge, I suggest that the students to help us increase the knowledge to go somewhere, such as: Science and Technology Museum, library, bookstore. In August 1st the journey would draw such a period, this one day event I think is rich and colorful.

       8月1日,已经是到新加坡的第2天了,这一天,我们5点30分就被导游叫醒,因为这一天我们将要去参观新加坡最著名、历史最悠久的的学校-----圣尼各拉女校,本来是想着能参加她们的升旗仪式的,可是由于我们这些大懒虫起床起晚了,另外加吃早饭,所以就耽搁了,待我们到达的时候,学校的人都已经开始祈祷了,没能参加她们的升旗仪式,我们都很遗憾,不过,我们明天还要来呢!所以,大家也就眉开眼笑了!!  来自:作文大全 老师帮我们分好班之后,我们就开始和新加坡的小妹妹们交谈了,带我的新加坡同学名叫“黄可芮”,她比我矮得多,但精神焕发,高挺的鼻梁上挂着一副黄框眼镜,她把我领到她们教室后,很热情地招待我,告诉我新加坡的风土人情、物质贸易等。对了,可芮的华语讲得也非常好,在她们的华语课上,老师都用华语与她们交谈,她们的华语课本相当于中国二年级孩子的课本,她们的学习内容大多是关于经济设施、历史教育题材的,可不像我们中国孩子整天学的“老师教书本,学生啃书本,回到家后学生的两双眼睛死死的盯着书本”。更何况,在中国有的地区,男尊女卑的观念还没解放!! 新加坡讲究的是男女平等。9点30分,她们上完课之后带我们去餐厅吃东西,那里的菜肴丰盛极了,想吃什么自己买,而且价格也很人道。吃完后,10点30分回教室继续上课,到了10点的时候,她们起身站立,右手放在胸前,默默地念着天主经,祈祷时长5分钟,完了之后,他们自由看书,12点30分,才是真正的开饭时间了。参观了半天的女校,吃过中餐后,我们驱车前往新加坡科技馆,一进入大门,所有人都惊呆了,这完全不是科技馆,更像是一座神奇迷离的宫殿,里面的陈设让我们眼花缭乱,其中给我印象最深的是大门正中的“喷电”池,利用的是人工采电,但是在漆黑的环境里,电可谓是多种多样,有“Z”字形的,有“S”形的,有 直线形的,有弧形的。其他的还有模型轿车、闪色夜光灯,多变鬼屋等,总之,在科技馆的2个半小时里,我学到了很多知识,建议同学们多去有利于我们增长知识的地方走走,如:图书馆、科技馆、书店等。 8月1日的旅程就这样画上了句点,这一天的活动我认为是丰富多彩的。

       亲爱的笔友、你好!听说你对我的家乡三亚很感兴趣!那么我就个你介绍一下我的家乡.三亚地处中国海南省,是著名的海滨旅游城市;三亚四季如夏,以美丽的海景而闻名.著名的景色有天涯海角和大东海. 欢迎你来三亚、祝你玩的愉快. Dear pen pal, Hello! I heard that you are interested in Sanya, my hometown! Then I would one introduce you to my home.located in Sanya, Hainan Province, China, is a famous seaside tourist city; seasons such as summer Sanya, known for its beautiful sea view with . well-known corners of the earth and the East China Sea.Welcome to Sanya, I wish you have fun.
